Friday, October 31, 2008

Its that Time

    Everyone, Please make plans to vote early or go to the polls on Tuesday.
We need to put the best person available in as President. whoever you like Obama or McCain they need your vote. I am not totally happy about either of the front runners but we need a president. If it would help I would vote for Bryan E. Harper. He's our man. But since the homeland does not know him as we do I will have to settle for the one of the two front runners. Yes in my book I like Obama less therefore I will vote for McCain. When I listen to Obama I get really sick and only see him as if was President Logan from the TV show '24'. There is no substance to him.
    Remember Please Vote for your best choice, it is the AMERICAN WAY!!!!!!!!!!!


Bryan said...

You can Vote for me! I'm taking campaign donations. I accept cash or credit card. Remember the max you can donate is $2,600.

Lonna said...

Bryan sign me up for $2.60. I can afford that with no problem. Can I post date that check?
Bryan, Bryan, he's our man;
If he can't do it,
well...let's try again next year.

Bryan said...

Post dated checks are excepted! But I need more people! How am I going to compete with my current wardrobe? I need money!

Princess Lisa said...

Bryan, I'm sorry. Jack Bauer already has my vote. But, if you'd like to be his running mate...I have a check for $00.05 that has your name on it!!!