Thursday, August 28, 2008

People in Big Trucks

Yesterday, I was driving my truck, my little Ford Range which is so much fun to drive and this guy in his Ford 350 pulls up on my left side when I was stop at the intersection and blocks my view on oncoming traffic. I don't think he cared that I was there and trying to cross the intersection. I inched up so I can see because he wants to turn left and I couldn't see. So he inches up to block my view again! Why do people have to be so intolerate of us little people. This has happen many times. I guess they think we are blocking their view of traffic as they look down and count the scratches on my roof and they can't turn left. I say no more left turning lanes lets implement the 'Texas Left' or the 'Michigan Left' or the 'New Jersey Left' which is actually a right then a left. That way us special people in small vehicles can move straight ahead.


Breelyn said...

I totally understand! I can never see around the big trucks and SUVs when I'm in my little
Insight. I actually had a cement truck do that to me today! Then the driver acted all offended because I wouldn't turn because he was waving that it was ok. I can't see around him, I don't know how close a car could be, I'm not going unless I can see!

Bryan said...

I agree!

Natalie said...

I agree. They seem to be so ignorant of others. This happens to me on almost a daily bases when I am turning right on 1000 W. It is such a pain.

Lonna said...

Here, here! We all have had it done and wonder, "what are you thinking?" the simple answer is...."it's all about me" No one cares about each other when it comes to driving.